Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 5

I hate weekend eat habits. This will be the first weekend of the Summer Slim Down Challenge, so we will see if I can stay strong and not much when I am bored.

I slept in today, so I didn't do my morning workout. Jetta even came in to wake me up, but I did not even stir when she came in. I was out like a light. I told Emily we would just have to go longer when we went to Skills at night.

I had physical therapy for my knee today. The only thing I cant do without pain is walk up and down the stairs, so that is what I am trying to work on. Jeremy, my therapist, did a-stem on my leg today. I have seen other people get this done, but never thought I would be so lucky to get it. Well, as my luck would have it, I got a-stem. What is it? A-stem is when they lather up something, in this case it was my thigh, and they take this plastic scraper thingy and scrap the freak out of your thing. It is suppose to cause trauma to the leg to force healing... or something like that. I really didn't pay attention, nor did Jeremy really explain it to me. He knows better than to explain medial things to me. I don't listen or pay attention because I don't know what he is talking about any way. He did say this normally causes "some" bruising. Luckily for me, I have a high pain tolerance, so it wasn't unbearable like it is on other victims. I did get a good workout at PT though. I was a little hot and sweaty.

After PT, Emily and I headed over to skills to do some cardio. We were hoping no one would be in the cinema center, so we could start the movie from the beginning, but there was one person already there. It turned out fine because the movie had just started. We watched A Beautiful Mind. I hadn't seen this movie since High School or maybe even Dixie. What a good movie!! Russell Crow is one of my most favorite actors ever. I just love him so much. After 1.5 hours, I was over exercising, but I wanted to finish the movie, so yep, I just sat on one of the machines. Haha!! Well, until someone else came into the room, then I acted like I was working out again. haha!!

Caloric Intake (1183)- too few calories

Breakfast (434)
1/2 c skim milk
tsp brown sugar
1 c strawberries

10 am snack (16)
3 crackers... haha

Lunch (353)
sweet potato
ground turkey

3pm snack (0)

Dinner (380)
Subway Sweet Onion Terryaki Sandwich, 9 grain wheat

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