Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1/4 of the way COMPLETED

Sorry about not writing on the blog everyday like I promised. It is not a habit to write on here, so I just never think about it.

Yesterday marked my 2 week mark into this Slim Down Challenge. I weighed in and the numbers were not so bad. I was really proud of myself. I wished I would have brought my numbers into work, so I could tell you exactly what my numbers I lost are. Sorry. I will try my best to remember.

I lost 2.08% of body fat!! Boom!! That is actually pretty darn good for not Biggest Loser results! I am really excited. I have lost 13 lbs of pure fat. My lean body weight is the exact same, which means I didn't gain or lose muscle. Yeah for me!!

Here are the measurements that I am not 100% sure on...
Neck -0.25"
Bicep -0.50"
Chest -1.0" (sorry boys...haha)
Hip -1.25"
Waist -1.5"
Thigh -0.00"
Upper Thigh -0.00"
Calf -0.50"

I know it totalled 6.0 inches lost, but I just do not remember. Maybe I lost more in my hips... no clue. At any rate, I am rockin it!! Booh yah!! Suck it crazy gym lady (look at my first post about the gym for more info on crazy lady)!!!

I know I can do better because last week was not the best week for me. I only went to the gym 10 times instead of 12. My eating habits were also not up to par. So the next two weeks, I can only improve!!

Cheer me on kids!!