Friday, October 31, 2008

A New Perspective

Well... I am just at work and was thinking about one of my father figures, Matt. There are no words that can ever express the gratitude I have for him. He taught me so many unforgettable things... the most important- Fathers really DO exist!!!

I got a phone call yesterday at work from Laura, one of my best friends. I have known Laura for years now... like 12ish. She told me her father had passed away. I was taken away in that instant. I never thought when I grew up, I would have friends face the same problems I had as a young child, when my dad passed away. Memories and the lack of memories I had with my dad. Knowing the lack of memories are going to affect my friend so much more than the memories she already has.

I have always wondered what life would be like with a father around all the time, with a father who would stay up late when I came home late, to dance with a father at my wedding, to have him give me blessings when I needed them... I have always wondered...

I am lucky though... since I never really knew my dad, it has never been too difficult not having him around. I have known nothing else. I would have nothing to compare my life to.

There is so my going on in my head right now. The only thing that keeps everything ok is the knowledge I have. The knowledge of the gospel seems so priceless at these times. At these moments we are able to apply what knowledge we have obtained to one of the most inevitable experiences of our lives.

I was thinking, on my way home from work last night, how I now understand how people can be mad at God at these times. I am grateful for the knowledge that I have- and because of that, I don't take out my frustrations on the Lord, instead I plead for Him.

I do know this is the true church of Jesus Christ. There is no doubt in my mind. He loves us! and He wants us to do all that we can so we may be able to return to Him someday.

I love you all!!!


Nat said...

And I love you!!!

Laura Edwards said...

I love you Krista. I know my dad looked at you as another daughter. He loved you. Thank you for all your love and support! I, too, am so grateful for the knowledge of life after death and that families can be together forever!

Love you.

Laura Edwards said...

You should blog again after finals are all done :)