I went to work yesterday and worked from 7am- 5pm. Thankfully, I streamed Conf from BYU TV... the only time BYU will ever appear in a search. I got so much out of the Sat Sessions. As I worked, I listened to the miraculous stories on faith, hope, word of wisdom, and of course the most exciting thing of Conference was knowing there will be a temple in "the greater Kansas City area."
I cannot believe we are going to be getting a temple in KS. My Kansans really deserve it. Right now, it is a full-day trip to the nearest temple. Most wards rent a bus and take everyone to their temple. They bring lunches, have babysitters, and have activities for those who are too young to go to the temple or for those who have to wait for the next session. I started to cry knowing at that moment how so many people from the Missouri Independence Mission are so super excited.
All during the 1st session of conference, I was receiving personal revelation on what I need to do to be a better person and a better Saint.
1. Elder Perry's talk struck me in more places than one: don't mock others, stay out of debt, and get spiritually fueled.
2. Sister Allred: I am responsible to share the gospel to others. This is part of my calling in life.
There is no greater work then Missionary work.
3. Elder Andersen: faith is not a feeling; it's a decision!
4. Elder Aidukaitis: I am who I am because of my faithful parents...well in my case...MOM!!! Go mom!!
5. Elder Oaks: GO TO CHURCH! The sacrament is the most sacred meeting. It is the only place where you can make the same covenant with your family- unity. There will always be despairs, but with the blessing of the Sacrament, they will be easier.
6. President Uchtdorf: Hope isn't a knowledge, it is trusting in the Lord. Faith, hope, and charity unite each other, without one you don't have anything. There is always reason to rejoice even with despair all around us.
So really... there was so much more than those, those are just my personal key notes. The next session took me to an entire different place. Revelation is a powerful thing, but the beautiful thing is, everyone can receive it!!!
Two of the most powerful Apostles for me are Elder Wirthlin and Elder Holland. I someday want to have some of their faith and wisdom. Elder Wirthlin, in his brittle state, still is one of the most powerful speakers and revelators I can think of. His talk on how we need not to get angry, but laugh at those situations became a direct answer to my problems with work and school. I know people aren't perfect, but I seem to expect it in certain situations and with certain people. I need not to get angry at myself when I am not doing what I am supposed to or getting the grades in school that I would like. All I can do is try my best, and if my best falls short, that is where my testimony of the Atonement comes in. The entire purpose of the Atonement is to help us when we fall short and are trying to be better. Everyone has hard times, everyone. We just need to move forward and remember the scripture "And this too shall pass."
3. Elder Andersen: faith is not a feeling; it's a decision!
4. Elder Aidukaitis: I am who I am because of my faithful parents...well in my case...MOM!!! Go mom!!
5. Elder Oaks: GO TO CHURCH! The sacrament is the most sacred meeting. It is the only place where you can make the same covenant with your family- unity. There will always be despairs, but with the blessing of the Sacrament, they will be easier.
6. President Uchtdorf: Hope isn't a knowledge, it is trusting in the Lord. Faith, hope, and charity unite each other, without one you don't have anything. There is always reason to rejoice even with despair all around us.
So really... there was so much more than those, those are just my personal key notes. The next session took me to an entire different place. Revelation is a powerful thing, but the beautiful thing is, everyone can receive it!!!
Two of the most powerful Apostles for me are Elder Wirthlin and Elder Holland. I someday want to have some of their faith and wisdom. Elder Wirthlin, in his brittle state, still is one of the most powerful speakers and revelators I can think of. His talk on how we need not to get angry, but laugh at those situations became a direct answer to my problems with work and school. I know people aren't perfect, but I seem to expect it in certain situations and with certain people. I need not to get angry at myself when I am not doing what I am supposed to or getting the grades in school that I would like. All I can do is try my best, and if my best falls short, that is where my testimony of the Atonement comes in. The entire purpose of the Atonement is to help us when we fall short and are trying to be better. Everyone has hard times, everyone. We just need to move forward and remember the scripture "And this too shall pass."

There is so much more of conference I loved, but I want to leave my testimony on these things I know to be true. I know the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints is a true church. I know it helps people get closer to our Heavenly Father and Savior. I know Joseph Smith is a prophet called of God, who brought forth the record of the Nephites and Lamanites on the American continent. How great a work is the Book of Mormon. I know when I read, study and soak up the teachings and doctrines my life, even though hectic, is much better and less stressful. I know the Temple is the House of God where we can always receive personal revelation and feel is love for us. I know the Apostles and Prophets that spoke to us at Conference are true prophets of God and we should adhere to their teachings. This is the Church of our Savior.
May God continue to bless us as we strive to live the way we KNOW we should. Amen!
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