Friday, October 24, 2008

Blah Blah Blah

I never can think of an exciting title... so ya get that!!

Nothing is really TOO exciting in my life. I feel like my life is exactly the same everyday. Not fun. No, not at all. I am not joking either.
Wake up and get ready
Go to school- if Friday- I just go to work for approx. 12 hours. It's great!!
Listen to teachers talk... blah blah blah
Go to school
Think about doing homework
Watch House
Do some Homework...
And that is about it... Saturday isn't any fun either if that is what you are thinking. I work for approx another 12 hours. I LOVE my LIFE!!! (total sarcasm).

I am totally at a point in my life where I don't know where my life is going. I am finally feeling the incompleteness (new word if it isn't already). Yes, I am going to school. And yes, I have a job. But WHO THE FREAK CARES!! Not me! Is this all there is of me- school, work, school, work, get the point. It just sucks. Not knowing what the future entails!!!

I am not trying to be a downer- but it is just life at this age, when you have nothing but stuff that doesnt matter. Stuff that doesnt have an eternal perspective.

Oh well... such is life as a teenage rockstar!!!

Rock On!!!!

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