Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Thanks to Jamee!!!!

One of my really healthy friends, Jamee, came over to our house last night to give us the run-down on what we need to do to be more healthy. I really learned a lot and was reminded of a lot of different exercises and food tips.

Jamee gave us some healthy recipes to foods everyone already eats anyway. As we try them out, I will share them with you. We are going to try out the meatloaf tonight. One thing Jamee kept saying was, "look at all the ingredients- they aren't bad for you." That stuck out to us a lot. Jetta and I, on our own, have been trying to eliminate or substitute certain foods. One thing we have done is stop using sour cream. We have found a delicious substitute- cottage cheese. I know it sounds nasty, but it is actually really good, and most of the time, we cant even tell a difference. We put cottage cheese on potatoes (red), nachos, taco soup- really just anything we would have normally put sour cream on. It adds a healthy protein to our diet. Ive also heard to use honey instead of sugar, and applesauce instead of oil/ butter. We all need to remember diets DO NOT work. If you want to lose weight, you need to make it a LIFE change. You cant just exercise and lose 50 lbs and then expect the weight to stay off if you never exercise again or stop eating healthy. We all need to make healthier changes in our lives. We need to make a life change!

( Please feel free to share some healthy meals that you have tried as well. We all could use more healthy recipes!)

Jamee and I also talked about MOUNTAIN DEW! This drink is literally killing my body slowly. I am really not a muncher of foods, I am a drinker of my Mountain Dew. I am really trying to be better and drink water. I can honestly say, I do not like drinking water. I feel it does nothing for me (I know, right! haha). But today, I have already drank 48 oz of water. Do I feel better? No, but in time, I know I will. I think it will be a slow, but ever evolving change. Drinking water is one step closer for me to be living a more healthy lifestyle.

A funny, yet ironic thing- I actually do like to exercise. I LOVE feeling the burn and the aches after a nice workout. I like to even feel the pain the next day. If I don't feel pain, I get a little upset with myself. The questions is then, "Why am I chubby?" One answer is, I am super lazy. I work an 8-5 job. When I get home, I am already tired, and I just want to relax and do nothing. Sometimes I like to read, watch TV, or even clean (only when our house is so nuts it kills me not too...haha). In those things I like to do, I need to add exercising. One thing I am going to try to do better is bring my gym clothes with me to work. If I do that, I can change into my gym clothes at work and then head straight to the gym after work. This will eliminate me already being home and settling in to other things- not pertaining to exercising. Jamee also said, when I am being lazy and watching TV, that I could and should do some simple exercises.

Honestly, Jamee coming over last night was super amazing. It is getting me closer and closer to the path of me being a healthier person. I am grateful that I have people who are rooting me on and who are also on the same healthy path that I am trying to get on. Thanks for the continued comments and support. This journey is going to be long and life changing, and I am glad I can share it with you!

Thanks again, Jamee!!! I really appreciated it!



Adrienne said...

i just wanted to say i miss you

Laura Edwards said...

Sounds like the meeting was awesome! Congrats. Now, share all the enthusiasm and advice with me :)

Lolly said...

So happy that you have made this decision. You have seen how eating healthy has changed my life. I love being able to run around and not be so tired. And let's not lie...I love that I am smaller than I was in high school. It still blows my mind when I see pictures of me because in my mind I still see myself as I was 2 years ago. This last month while I was traveling I ate everything in site. I felt miserable the whole time. too. It is nice to finally be home and just to see the difference in how I feel after eating better for just 2 days. What we put in our mouth really does effect how our body acts. Good job girl! Keep it up! You are going to feel great and the bonus of looking great will only keep you motivated to do it more.

Jamee said...

Hey I am so glad you got anything out of what I said. It was really great to see you. I hope we can get together again soon. You are such a fun person to be around. The hardest thing about loosing weight is your attitude and yours is awesome.