Friday, July 9, 2010

Am I still on thr right path???

So, as for writing each week...Sorry about not doing that.

On the up and up...

I have been doing a whole lot better. I haven't lost any weight, but I think I am on the right path. I started to stop drinking soda, but for some reason, I always end up drinking it again. I really REALLY like my soda. I know I need to stop drinking it, but I just really love the way it tastes. Is there anything anybody has tried to help them not drink it or to slowly get weened off of it? Suggestions are greatly appreciated here!

Jetta and I have been really good about making a food preparation list for the week. We have a planned schedule of what we are going to eat for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and snack times. This has helped us know how many calories we are truly eating in a day. I realize one of my key problems is, I actually dont get enough calories in a day. I was eating about 1100, if not sometimes less. Yikes. To help us with knowing how many calories we need to eat a day, we go to (Jamee- if you know of a more accurate way to figure out how many calories I need to eat per day, please let me know. As well as how many calories I would need to burn. I figure you would know because you are such a health/ nutrition person.) Jetta and I have also been making specific grocery lists from our food preparation list. This helps cut out "binging" grocery shopping. It helps us cut out a lot of crap we used to buy.

** If you have fun snack suggestions or craving helpers, we would LOVE to know. I think it is tough to lose weight and be healthy because we are limited to our own knowledge. This is where are educational systems are lacking greatly. This lack of information on how to be and stay healthy is ruining our country. We need to be taught how to be healthy people better- not only from our teachers, but from our doctors too.

Along with my soda addiction, I do have a tough time going to the gym everyday. I started off going string, but surely enough, it seems like we are never going to the gym. I know it is hard to go to the gym, so I was thinking I need to stay active throughout the entire day, and this would also help me lose some weight and get on track to a healthier me. I do have an office at my work with a door. So I was thinking I needed to bring some exercise equipment here so I could do some exercise during my breaks and on lunch. I was thinking about bringing the ball in to sit on, instead of using my chair. I hear this helps build some of the upper body. I was also going to start doing sit-ups, lunges, and lift some arm weights. **Again, if you have suggestions on what else I could be doing, dont hesitate to inform me! I am wanting to know!!!

Other then drinking my soda and not going to the gym... haha... I think I am on a better path to getting healthier then a couple weeks ago! And I am excited to continually share my thoughts and my internal and external changes with you all.

Till next time...


PS... This summer, so far, has been full of a lot of fun. I went boating 4 weeks in a row. My body is in continual recovery of all the damage from tubing and wake boarding and from the really nasty sunburns.

I also have a new job, and I am really like it! It has been a great opportunity to learn new things and to meet new people.


Adrienne said...

sounds good. I'm not very good myself so I'm excited to hear what you learn.

Jamee said...

first off I hate counting calories so I am not the right person to ask about that. I found that when I am counting calories I am thinking about food to much which makes me want to eat it more. If you are at all interested I would love to help you and Jetta out however I can. (I'm not saying that I am like the perfect person and never eat junk food, but I try to be healthy and have taken a lot of classes in nutrition, not to mention my mother is a health nut. Anyway, if you are intersted I could come over one day and help you with a menu and maybe even go grocery shopping with you. Only if you want to though.

Laura Edwards said...

I think you are a lovely princess and you are wonderful! Keep up the good work. I stopped drinking soda by cutting out the caffeine drinks first, I think. You could try that.... I don't know. Good luck!

Brandi said...

Hey girlie!!! I haven't blogged in a few months and happened to check it today and noticed you had blogged a little! I am totally with you; I have like 50 pounds to lose and guess what I will do it with ya!! Of course I'm in Kansas and that's probably not very helpful. :) Gosh, I miss you lots. I'll be rootin' for ya! LOVE YA

Lolly said...

To kick the soda habit go buy the individual packs of crystal light. I use them at work all the time cause the water there tasted nasty. Just poured one in my water bottle, shook it up and I was good to go. It will get all the water your body needs with out the sugar, carbonation and caffeine. Next, if you do not plan for your snacks and meals each day, you plan to fail! You need to eat snacks between meals every day even if you do not feel hungry. This is to stop the cravings. If you do not have healthy snacks then when you realize you are hungry your body freaks out and tells you to eat everything in site. So have a set sched. where each day you have a snack at the same time. Good things to have...
turkey pepperoni cooked in the microwave on a paper towel for 3 min. They come out super crunchy like chips and eat them with cherry tomatoes. (one of my favorite)
Celery - I know you hate the strings but it is good if you pair it with healthy peanut butter (I buy the one with Omega 3 fatty oils in it - something your body really needs to be healthy) or use a wedge of laughing cow low-fat cheese to spread on the celery.
Cheese - a low-fat or fat-free string cheese is a great way to get your calcium with out adding extra fat to your diet. It also gives you protein that makes your body work to break it down so you don't get hungry.
Nuts - does the same thing for you as cheese. Do not get the salted ones as it will add more salt to your diet and cause you to retain water. I eat a handful of raw almonds. Buy them in bulk from Winco..super cheep. You can also have pistachios which are salted. You can have twice as many because they are smaller and it takes you a while to get the shell open which makes you think you are getting a big snack (it takes longer from start to finish on the eating time). not cut out desert or you will go craZy! But sugar-free jell-o snacks, pudding, and no-sugar added fudge pops. All these things need to be about 75 calories or less. Eat one each night until your body tells you that you no longer need one. If you cut out all treats you will go crazy and wind up cheating. You will look forward to the treat and after a while you will go to have one and know what, I really don't want one today. That is when your body has kicked it's craving for sugar and you will be able to resist anything. Call me if you have questions.