Tuesday, April 9, 2013

1/4 of the way COMPLETED

Sorry about not writing on the blog everyday like I promised. It is not a habit to write on here, so I just never think about it.

Yesterday marked my 2 week mark into this Slim Down Challenge. I weighed in and the numbers were not so bad. I was really proud of myself. I wished I would have brought my numbers into work, so I could tell you exactly what my numbers I lost are. Sorry. I will try my best to remember.

I lost 2.08% of body fat!! Boom!! That is actually pretty darn good for not Biggest Loser results! I am really excited. I have lost 13 lbs of pure fat. My lean body weight is the exact same, which means I didn't gain or lose muscle. Yeah for me!!

Here are the measurements that I am not 100% sure on...
Neck -0.25"
Bicep -0.50"
Chest -1.0" (sorry boys...haha)
Hip -1.25"
Waist -1.5"
Thigh -0.00"
Upper Thigh -0.00"
Calf -0.50"

I know it totalled 6.0 inches lost, but I just do not remember. Maybe I lost more in my hips... no clue. At any rate, I am rockin it!! Booh yah!! Suck it crazy gym lady (look at my first post about the gym for more info on crazy lady)!!!

I know I can do better because last week was not the best week for me. I only went to the gym 10 times instead of 12. My eating habits were also not up to par. So the next two weeks, I can only improve!!

Cheer me on kids!!


Monday, April 1, 2013

Day 6: Pre Easter Parties

Goodness, the holidays are amongst us. Good thing I don't ever crave Easter party foods (except for the Reese's Egg of course). I am not a fan of chocolate, unless it has peanut butter in it, so these holiday treats do nothing for me. I do, though, love me some funeral potatoes. Nom nom nom!

This morning I went to the gym and had a good workout with John. I am pretty sure my arms are going to fall off. Lots of arms and lunges today!

After, I went to a RS activity with Cindy Bohn. It was actually pretty great. The Food Nanny was there as well as the lady who won the cupcake wars. The Food Nanny said to have two meatless dishes every week and to not eat red meat back-to-back. I never knew that. I may have to try that.

Since Emily is moving out and back in with her parents, I told her I would help her go through some old boxes up at her parents house. It didn't take as long as I thought. Also, Emily did really good getting rid of things. There were only a couple times where she would look at me and I would say, "You know exactly which box that needs to go in..." meaning the DI box. She would just laugh. She got rid of a couple of boxes and organized a lot more.

After that, she and I went to my family Easter Party. This is where the food treats became a little difficult. My mom always makes the best treats. She made a coconut cake (that I didn't eat), that looked like an Easter egg field. It was super cute. Funny thing, we do informal dinners. We put food on the counter, and if you want it, you come get it. You can eat inside or outside, on the ground or at tables. We don't care. Just eat. Charlie was at the counter with Heather and myself. He was scarfing down corn and funeral potatoes. Heather got up to go and get her some food. Michelle, Charlie's mom, came around to steal Heather's seat and Charlie would have no such thing. Michelle asked Charlie if she could sit my him and he looked up at Heather, who was on the other side of the counter, scooted to the end of his stool, and put his legs up on Heather's chair. He would look at Heather and say "sit". Michelle continued to ask him if she could sit down, and he was just not allowing it. So the same thing happened when I went to go get me some food. He saved my chair with his little legs too. Michelle was a little upset. The rest of us died laughing. I wonder where a 2 year old would learn to save someones chair with his legs. He is probably the most adorable kid ever. I just love his face so much!

After that Easter party, Emily and I went on a hike with our friend Cindy. She knows where all the hikes are. She took us on a new hike called Bonneville. It was really pretty. I was reminded about how much our Heavenly Father loves us. Even though there were dead plants all around us (due to winter of course), it was still so beautiful and peaceful. God loves us and nature is proof of that. I often think of the Garden of Eden and when He threw Adam and Eve out of the garden. God said He cursed the land. If this land that we are living in is the cursed land and it is still this beautiful, I cant even imagine what the Garden of Eden would even look like. It is just an ongoing way that Heavenly Father shows us His love for us.

It was a good day. I had a lot of fun with family and friends. It was a great way to spend Pre-Easter.

Caloric Intake (1165)- and I even tried to eat more. I just wasn't hungry!

Breakfast (233)
Protein Shake
1/2 c carrots

10 am snack (0)

Lunch (280)
Subway Turkey and Ham sandwich, 9 grain wheat

3pm snack (160)
lemon bar

Dinner (232)
3 slices ham
1 c broccoli
1/4 c funeral potatoes
1/4 c baked beans

After workout (260)
Attain Chocolate Chip Protein Bar

Day 5

I hate weekend eat habits. This will be the first weekend of the Summer Slim Down Challenge, so we will see if I can stay strong and not much when I am bored.

I slept in today, so I didn't do my morning workout. Jetta even came in to wake me up, but I did not even stir when she came in. I was out like a light. I told Emily we would just have to go longer when we went to Skills at night.

I had physical therapy for my knee today. The only thing I cant do without pain is walk up and down the stairs, so that is what I am trying to work on. Jeremy, my therapist, did a-stem on my leg today. I have seen other people get this done, but never thought I would be so lucky to get it. Well, as my luck would have it, I got a-stem. What is it? A-stem is when they lather up something, in this case it was my thigh, and they take this plastic scraper thingy and scrap the freak out of your thing. It is suppose to cause trauma to the leg to force healing... or something like that. I really didn't pay attention, nor did Jeremy really explain it to me. He knows better than to explain medial things to me. I don't listen or pay attention because I don't know what he is talking about any way. He did say this normally causes "some" bruising. Luckily for me, I have a high pain tolerance, so it wasn't unbearable like it is on other victims. I did get a good workout at PT though. I was a little hot and sweaty.

After PT, Emily and I headed over to skills to do some cardio. We were hoping no one would be in the cinema center, so we could start the movie from the beginning, but there was one person already there. It turned out fine because the movie had just started. We watched A Beautiful Mind. I hadn't seen this movie since High School or maybe even Dixie. What a good movie!! Russell Crow is one of my most favorite actors ever. I just love him so much. After 1.5 hours, I was over exercising, but I wanted to finish the movie, so yep, I just sat on one of the machines. Haha!! Well, until someone else came into the room, then I acted like I was working out again. haha!!

Caloric Intake (1183)- too few calories

Breakfast (434)
1/2 c skim milk
tsp brown sugar
1 c strawberries

10 am snack (16)
3 crackers... haha

Lunch (353)
sweet potato
ground turkey

3pm snack (0)

Dinner (380)
Subway Sweet Onion Terryaki Sandwich, 9 grain wheat

Day 4

So Thursday, Day 4, of the Summer Slim Down went so-so. My eating habits were not spot on today. They could have been way better. I need to get into the habit of meal planning, so I know what I am going to eat every meal and every day. I know that would help me out a lot. Right now, I just go to the fridge and see what I have to make. Normally, it is the same thing- protein and a veg. I am fine with it; I just know I am going to get sick of eating the same thing over and over again.

Tonight, we went to see The Host at the Megaplex Theater in Ogden. The movie was actually better than expected. I can now say I will actually try to read the book. I thought going to the movie would be a little bit more difficult due to the soda and popcorn, but it wasn't. I brought an apple and a Larabar, and I was fine.

Caloric Intake (1188):

Breakfast (189)
2 eggs
1 c strawberries

10 am snack (o):
Oopsie. I forgot my snack. I have set 2 alarms on my phone to remind me when snack time is. I know, it is lame that I have to set alarms to eat. I am just SOO busy that I just don't remember to eat.

Lunch (279)L
4 oz ground turkey
1 c spinach
1 c strawberries

3pm snack (180)
gala apple
2 string cheese

Dinner (280)
1 c brussels sprouts
4 oz chicken thighs
olive oil

After work out (260)
Larabar- coconut
gala apple


Day 3

It is a good thing I am starting to write in my journal every night, so I can back date the blog.

Thursday was a very busy day for me. I woke up at 500am to go to skills and do some cardio. I did 15 minutes on the treadmill, bike, and elliptical. I also did some ab workouts during those three cardio machines.

After work, I headed to the gym, again, with Emily. We went to Skills and did a 30 minute ab class. Let me just tell you how difficult this routine was... holy hannah!! It was non-stop abs for 30 minutes. Not only was it a painful ab routine, but she added a full body workout as well. Emily and I kept looking at each other, wincing. I was dripping with sweat. I am so disgusting. But, Emily was dripping too, so that always makes me feel so much better. I was so happy when the 30 minutes was over. I am happy that I do not have to put my abs through that for another week. (Well, at this point, two more days :). After the painfully awesome ab class, we went to yoga. I have never taken a yoga class before. I didn't even know what to expect. I was a little worried going with someone I knew for fear that we would bust up and laugh because of how ridiculous we looked. Emily and I actually didn't do so bad... Well, until the time I had to stick my foot in her face. Then, we died. Emily does this noise thing when she is trying not to make any noise. I had to turn away from her! I will give yoga a try again, but I may need to do a little more cardio after as well. It was a nice stretch, just not as good as cardio as I couldve received.

Caloric Intake (1213)

Breakfast (199):
1 c strawberries

10 am snack (140):
Chiboni Greek Yogurt
Lunch (285):
Ground turkey
BBQ sauce

3pm Snack (100)
2 string cheese

Dinner (352):
2 corn tortillas
sharp cheddar cheese
chicken breast
1/2 small avocado
After workout snack (137)
Protein Shake
I did not do so hot with my food options today. I need to prepare and plan my foods and meals just a little bit better.

After the busy day Emily and I had, it still kept going. Our home teachers stopped by after our workout. They stayed for almost an hour and a half becuase we were just chit chatting about everything. They are some great guys. Glad they are our home teachers and are diligent in doing so.