I saw one of my friends blog about losing weight. She writes on her blog weekly about what she has done that week that has helped her lose the weight. I was thinking, what a great idea. I dont have a lot of blog followers...if there are any still out there who read my blog, since it has almost been a year since I have last blogged.
My goal is to write on my blog, at least once a week, and share what I have done the past week to help me lose some weight. This is also a good way for me to be accountable to something. I figure, it wont hurt anything. At the least, I will have one random blog post about this... who knows.
My goal:
I wont say how much I weigh, because let's be honest, that would just be embarrassing. My goal is to be a more healthier me by the beginning of 2011... That gives me a little more than six months. I would be ok with losing 50lbs., but I am almost thinking 60. We shall see. I dont want to be super skinny... I just want to feel and look more healthy. I honestly dont think it will take me six months to reach my goal, but I need an end point if I would like to reach my goal.
So for now:
I am going to slowly, but surely, stop drinking soda.
I am going to plan my meals- especially lunch for work. I seem to eat out a lot because I forget my lunch. Oopsie!!
I am going to exercise for, at least, an hour five times a week- doing cardio everyday and switch strength training between upper and lower body.
I am also going to drink the amount of water I am suppose to be drinking... YIKES!!!
I am also going to limit calories to max: 1500 and min: 1200.
If you guys have things that help you lose weight and stay healthy, please let me know.
Get excited... because I am!!!
K to the Rista!