Well... Pearl, my Honda Accord, is an "ABSOLUTE" total loss. I feel so bad that she is totaled, but am super happy that she saved my life.
The story...
I was driving home from work last Wednesday, August 12, 2009. There is construction Northbound and Southbound in the North Salt Lake area. If you drive that everyday, or even every so often, you know traffic quickly slows down. I knew this and I was slowing down. I was actually thinking, "I should have taken Legacy Hwy because this is going to take forever to drive home (Layton)." I was practically at the 2300 North exit when BOOOOOOMMMMMM!!!!!!!! I had no idea what was happening. I didnt know what I was doing or why my car wasnt driving... I couldnt see out my windows. I just couldnt comprehend what was happening. I felt as if I were in a dream or watching a movie. It was a really weird feeling that I cant explain. When my car came to a stop, it was then that I realized I had just been in a car accident. Davis, the guy who hit my car, came to my passenger window to see if I was ok. I was freakin out, if you can imagine. I rolled the window down and said, "What just happened?" He looked at me and said, "I hit you..." I then called my mom, bawling of course. I told her I was in a car accident but that I was ok. I was dripping wet, because Michelle left her coke in my car and it was now everywhere...all over me and Pearl.
Davis is from out of town and didnt realize that traffic could go from 60 mph to 0 in just a couple of seconds. He looked down to change the channel, and when he looked up... bang!!! His car is totaled, my car is totaled, and the Passat in front of me, which I ended up hitting, got a little banged up trunk. My car amazingly hooked me up and seriously protected me from what I SHOULD'VE been through. Davis was going at least 60 mph when his car hit my car. It was definitely a scary experience that I HOPE to never be involved in again.
Surprisingly, I am actually ok. I have a measly cut on my leg and a couple of nasty bruises, some whiplash and sore upper body. But seriously, if you see Pearl, I am totally LUCKY to even be alive.
However strange this may seem or sound... I know that Heavenly Father was watching out for me that day. The Sunday before, I had made God a promise and I had been keeping that promise. He preserved my life for something- something I cant even pretend to know or describe how I feel about it. I am grateful for the protection in which He instilled upon me that day. I am grateful for the knowledge the scriptures have given me and continue to strengthen my testimony. I am grateful for the power of prayer and the knowledge of how much I truly need pray in my life. It had now been a week since my car accident, and I still havent broken my promise to Heavenly Father.
Heavenly Father loves us. He is definitely mindful of us specifically. He knows us so well-- He knows when we will read our scriptures... He knows when we will stop and start up again- the day you start reading your scriptures again... He places a specific scripture in your reading to prove to you that HE truly knows you... and cares about you.
If there ever was a doubt that God didnt know who I was, this car accident has whipped that fear/ thought away.
The Church is true... and I love you... and I am a Child of God NO MATTER WHAT!!!